L’eredità di Geoffrey Wainwright · Liturgista, Teologo ed Ecumenista
Sponsors · Centro Ecumenico Metodista a Roma e Centro Pro UnioneSessioni Conferenze · Relatori
Geoffrey Wainwright, a Theological and Ecumenical Nexus – Some Personal Observations — Revd Prof William G. Rusch
Lutheran pastor, professor of Lutheran studies at Yale Divinity School
Panel · Personal reflections — Ms. Gillian Kingston
Vice President of the World Methodist Council, Former member of MERCIC, First Lay Leader of the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland
Panel · Personal reflections — Archbishop Donald J. Bolen
Archbishop of Regina, Canada, he served as the Co-Chair of the Joint International Commission for Dialogue between the World Methodist Council and the Catholic Church (2013-16)
Closing remarks — Revd Matthew Laferty
Director, Methodist Ecumenical Office Rome
❶ Revd James F. Puglisi, sa, Director, Centro Pro Unione
“Geoffrey Wainwright as Liturgist”
❷ Revd Prof Bryan D. SPINKS
Bishop F. Percy Goddard Professor Emeritus of Liturgical Studies and Pastoral Theology, Yale Institute of Sacred Music and Yale Divinity School
“A Constructive Conservatism: the Theological Legacy of Geoffrey Wainwright”
❸ Revd Dr Richard CLUTTERBUCK
Presbyter of the British Methodist Church, Research Fellow, Wesley House, Cambridge and Formerly Principal of Edgehill College, Belfast
“Geoffrey Wainwright, a Theological and Ecumenical Nexus – Some Personal Observations”
❹ Revd Prof William G. RUSCH
Lutheran pastor, professor of Lutheran Studies at Yale Divinity School
Panel – Personal reflections
❺ Revd Dr Bernhard A. ECKERSTORFER, osb
Rettore Magnifico, Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
❻ Ms. Gillian KINGSTON
Vice President of the World Methodist Council, Former member of MERCIC, First Lay Leader of the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland
❼ Archbishop Donald J. BOLEN (video presentation)
Archbishop of Regina, Canada, Co-Chair of the Joint International Commission for Dialogue between the World Methodist Council and the Catholic Church (2013-16)
Closing remarks
❽ Revd Matthew Laferty, Director, Methodist Ecumenical Office Rome
Giovedì, 20 ottobre 2022 alle ore 15.30
Orario Roma · GTM +2 (Orario Estivo Europa Centrale – CEST)
Centro Pro Unione
Via Santa Maria dell’Anima, 30 (1° piano) · Roma