Simposio sulla Sinodalità
Serie Conferenze in Streaming
Organizzato dal · Centro Pro Unione e Centro Anglicano a Roma
Sessioni Conferenze
Dr. Hervé Legrand, op
1:15:58Prof. Dr. Myriam Wijlens
1:20:59Right Reverend Christopher Hill
1:11:08Fr. James F. Puglisi, sa
21:30“Les liens étroits entre le renouveau de la synodalité et le renouveau du ministère épiscopal. Ecclésiologie et droit canonique”
Given by Dr. Hervé Legrand, op, Professeur émérite, Institut catholique de Paris
“Le développement actuel de la synodalité au sein de l’Église catholique: promesses, difficultés, attentes. Un point de vue orthodoxe”
Given by Archimandrite Dr. Amphilochios Miltos, Membre de la Commission mixte internationale pour le dialogue théologique entre les Églises catholique et orthodoxe
Walking Together in Discerning the Holy Spirit: Canonical Possibilities, Opportunities and Challenges
Given by Prof. Dr. Myriam Wijlens, Professor of Canon Law at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt, Germany, Consultant to the Synod of Bishops and member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
Anglican Aspects of Synodality: Walking Together on the Way
Given by Right Reverend Christopher Hill, Retired Bishop of Guildford, President of the Ecclesiastical Law Society and member of ARCIC III
Conclusion Symposium — “Praying together · Prier ensemble”
Given by Fr. James F. Puglisi, sa, Director, Centro Pro Unione