
Scuola estiva Ecumenismo / Roma

Course / Grant up to 6 graduate credits

The Centro Pro Unione conducts scientific research projects at the international and local levels; organizes educational initiatives at the pre- and por-graduate levels in English and Italian (including symposia, annual cycle of conferences, study days, Summer courses in ecumenism.

Our course in Ecumenism is “Recognized and Endorsed” by the Graduate Theological Foundation (USA) which can grant up to 6 graduate credits for qualified graduate students.

Programma e dettagli

Modulo Iscrizione


— Fino al 30 marzo

Date del corso

23 giugno ‒ 11 luglio 2025

This course is designed to introduce participants to the ecumenical and interreligious movements from a Catholic perspective. It will offer a historical and theological overview of the issues that divide Christians as well as the bonds that unite them.

The program will explore relations with other religious traditions. The course, which is in English, is for men and women who are in preparation for ministry or religious life, who are in the mission field, who are ecumenical officers or members of ecumenical commissions, or who are looking for a sabbatical experience led by qualified professors and ecumenists.


The faculty includes, but is not limited to, staff members of the Centro Pro Unione (Rome) and the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (New York).


The schedule for the three weeks is the same Monday through Friday: morning prayer followed by three 60-minute lecture segments.

The afternoons are for on-site excursions and lectures (Roman catacombs, Basilica of St. Peter and excavations, St. Clement, “Roman ghetto”, Synagogue and museum, Mosque and Islamic center, and others). Weekends are free.

Topics covered / Study plan

Practical Information

— The cost of the course is US$500 (non-refundable) which is payable at the time of application. Deadline for application is April 30th.

— Upon acceptance of application, a list of possible lodgings in Rome will be mailed or faxed. Booking of lodgings is the responsibility of applicant. Housing cannot be guaranteed after application deadline. Transportation (from North America), lodgings and meals will be approximately US$3,500 (from North America).

— The Centro Pro Unione is located on the historic Piazza Navona in the heart of Rome.

Graduate Theological Foundation / GTF
The Course is “Recognized and Endorsed” by the Graduate Theological Foundation (USA) which can grant up to 6 graduate credits for qualified graduate students.

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Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute · NY
GEII fulfills its mission by Study and Research in the ecumenical and interreligious movements through writing, workshops and participation in dialogues between and among the churches as well as with different faith communities at the local and North America level.

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Watch a testimonial video / Course Alumni

   Notizie in evidenza

   Visita studenti Corso Estivo al Dicastero per la Promozione dell’Unità dei Cristiani

Il 6 luglio i partecipanti al Corso 2023 hanno visitato il Dicastero per la promozione dell’unità dei cristiani, dove il Segretario S.E. Brian Farrell ha illustrato il lavoro e gli obiettivi del Dicastero. L’incontro si è concluso con una sessione di domande e risposte sul movimento ecumenico mondiale.

Il corso offre una panoramica storica e teologica sulle questioni che dividono i cristiani e i legami che li uniscono, ed esplora i rapporti con le altre tradizioni religiose.

  DPCU news

Crediti Foto · Dicastero per la Promozione dell’Unità dei Cristiani

   È iniziato il corso estivo al Centro Pro Unione

Con i nostri studenti sono iniziate le lezioni della scuola estiva. Il programma di studio è mirato alla conoscenza dei movimenti ecumenici e interreligiosi da una prospettiva cattolica, ed è fra le attività formative del Centro in ambito ecumenico.

Il corso si estende per 3 settimane sia in aula con i docenti ed esperti, sia mediante le visite guidate di approfondimento nei luoghi della Cristianità e delle tradizioni religiose storiche a Roma.

Il corso è co-sponsorizzato dal Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (NY) e riconosciuto dal Graduate Theological Institute assegnando crediti formativi agli studenti per il percorso di studio accademico.

  Pagina del corso