Dialogue Description

International Reformed Catholic Dialogue
R – RC

Table of Contents
Meetings and Documents


  1. November 27-29, 1968 – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. April 17-19, 1969 – Vogelenzang, The Netherlands
    Preparatory Meetings

FIRST SERIES (1970-1977)
“The Presence of Christ in Church and World”

  1. April 6-10, 1970 – Rome, Italy
    “Christ’s Relationships to the Church”
  2. March 22-27, 1971 – Cartigny, Switzerland
    “The Teaching Authority of the Church”
  3. January 31 – February 5, 1972 – Bièvres, France
    “The Presence of Christ in the World”
  4. February 18-23, 1974 – Woudschoten-Zeist, The Netherlands
    “The Understanding of the Eucharist in our Churches”
  5. March 3-8, 1975 – Rome, Italy
    “The Ministry”
  6. March 21-26, 1977 – Rome, Italy
    “The Presence of Christ in Church and World” (1977) – FINAL REPORT
  7. May 26-30, 1980 – Rome, Italy
    “Evaluation of Final Report – REPORT of the Evaluation Group on the Roman Catholic/Reformed Dialogue: ‘The Presence of Christ in Church and and World’”

Prof. Dr. David Willis, Berkeley, California USA (Reformed)
Rev. Killian Mc Donnell, OSB, Collegeville, Minnesota USA (Catholic)


Rev. Richmond Smith (Reformed)
World Alliance of Reformed Churches
Rev. Dr. August Hasler (Catholic) 1970-1971
Rev. Olaf Wand, AA (Catholic) 1972
Rev. Pierre M. de Contenson, OP (Catholic) 1974-1975
Rev. Stjepan Schmidt, SJ (Catholic) 1977
Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity

SECOND SERIES (1984-1989)
“Towards a Common Understanding of the Church”

  1. January 2-6, 1984 – Rome, Italy
    “Setting Objectives to be Pursued within the Field of Ecclesiology; Plan of the Dialogue”
  2. January 3-8, 1985 – Kappel-am-Albis, Switzerland
    “Actual Situations in Roman Catholic and Reformed Witness in Various Parts of the World”
  3. January 3-8, 1986 – Venice, Italy
    “The Church: The People of God, the Body of Christ, the Temple of the Holy Spirit”
  4. January 3-8, 1987 – Cartigny, Switzerland
    “Ecclesiological Self-Understanding; Developments in Ecclesiology; Reformed View of the Papacy”
  5. January 2-9, 1988 – Ariccia, Italy
    “Work on Final Report”


  1. 1989 – Geneva, Switzerland
  2. 1990 – Geneva, Switzerland
    “Finalization of Final Report: ‘Towards a Common Understanding of the Church’” (1990) – FINAL REPORT and COMMENTARY

Rev. Dean Lewis S. Mudge, Chicago, Illinois USA (Reformed)
Rev. Prof. Bernard Sesboüé, SJ, Paris, France (Catholic)


Rev. Dr. Alan P.F. Sell (Reformed) 1984-1987
Rev. Henry Dirks-Blatt (Reformed) 1985
Rev. Christiane Notting (Reformed) 1988-1990
World Alliance of Reformed Churches

Msgr. John A. Radano (Catholic)
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

THIRD SERIES (1998-2005 )
“Church as Community of Common Witness to the Kingdom of God”

  1. May 6-12, 1998 – Venice, Italy
    “Ecclesiology; Recent Developments in Bilateral Dialogues; Common Witness; How to Deepen Convergences Developed in the Dialogue”
  2. September 15-21, 1999 – Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
    “The Kingdom of God as Context for the Church’s Common Witness”
  3. September 13-19, 2000 – Castel Gandolfo, Italy
    “Kingdom of God, Church as Creatura Verbi and Sacramentum Gratiae, Church as Sign and Instrument, Sacramentality and Instrumentality, God-language in the New Testament”
  4. August 22-28, 2001 – Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
    “Kingdom of God in Ecumenical Discussion, Kingdom of God as Principle of Action on Behalf of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation”
  5. September 18-24, 2002 – Dromantine, Newry, Northern Ireland
    “The Church as Community/Communion; The Kingdom of God in the Biblical Tradition; The Church as Koinonia-The Basis for Ecumenical Dialogue; The Theme of the Kingdom of God in Ecumenical Dialogue; The Kingdom of God-History and Tradition; The Kingdom of God-Theological Exposition; The Church as Communion/Community-Creatura Verbi et Sacramentum gratiae; The Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God and the Church”
  6. August 16-22, 2003 – Toronto, Canada
    “Drafting session on Report on Kingdom of God in Biblical and Theological Perspectives; Church as Communion/Community; Unity and Common Witness”
  7. October 13-19, 2004 – Venice, Italy
    Completion of the Final Report: “The Church as Community of Common Witness to the Kingdom of God” (2007) – FINAL REPORT and COMMENTARY

Rev. Prof. H. Russel Botman, United Reformed Church, Republic of South Africa (Reformed)
Bishop Anthony J. Farquhar, Auxiliary Bishop of Down and Connor, Northern Ireland (Catholic)


Rev. Dr. Odair Pedroso Mateus (Reformed)
World Alliance of Reformed Churches
Rev. Gregory J. Fairbanks (Catholic)
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

FOURTH SERIES (2011-2015 )
“Justification and Sacramentality: The Christian Community as an Agent of Justification”

  1. April 3-9, 2011 – Rome, Italy
    Justification: Reformed and Catholic perspectives
  2. April 27-May 2, 2012 Decatur, Geogia, USA
    Justification and sacramentality; rites of the church; baptism, Eucharist/Lord’s Supper; marriage; confirmation; penance; etc.; ordaining the sacraments and rites
  3. April 7-13, 2013 – South Bend, Indiana, USA
    Justification and sacramentality; justification and sanctification; prophetic office and authority in the Church
  4. April 6-12, 2014 – Coatbridge, Scottland
    Sanctification, the middle term between justification and justice; relation between Eucharist and justice; Eucharist and social ethics; justification and the universal call to holiness
  5. February 22-28, 2015 – Ghent, Belgium
    Natural law; sacramentality; church as witness and sacrament; drafting of final report: “Justification and Sacramentality: The Christian Community as an Agent of Justification” (2016) – FINAL REPORT and COMMENTARY

    ** October 26-28 March, 2019 – South Bend, Indiana (USA)
    Consultation of the signers of the JDDJ – (The World Methodist Council affirmed JDDJ in 2006; the Anglican Communion in 2016; and the World Communion of Reformed Churches in 2017)

Rev. Dr. Martha Moore-Keish, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia, USA (Reformed)
Bishop Kevin Rhoades, Bishop of Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend in Indiana, USA (Catholic)


Rev. Dr. Odair Pedroso Mateus (Reformed)
World Alliance of Reformed Churches
Rev. Gregory J. Fairbanks (Catholic) (2011-2014)
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
Rev. Avelino A. Gonzalez (Catholic) (2014-2016)
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

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