Dialogue Description

International Pentecostal ― Reformed Dialogue
Pe – R

Table of Contents
Meetings and Documents
  • Exploratory Meeting:
    July 8-9, 1995 – Mattersey, England
    “Notion that those who are disciples of Jesus Christ are all members of the one church; this reality needs to be noted not merely on an abstract theological or ideological level but at the practical level as well; where the two churches exist side by side there is a feeling of antagonism and uncomfortableness – all reasons for having a dialogue”

“Word and Spirit, Church and World”

  1. May 15-20, 1996 – Torre Pellice, Italy
    “‘The Church in the setting of the Reformation heritage: its mission in a world of widespread injustice and ecological destruction’” – COMMUNIQUÉ
  2. May 11-15, 1997 – Chicago Illinois, USA
    “The Role and Place of the Holy Spirit in the Church” – COMMUNIQUÉ
  3. May 14-19, 1998 – Kappel-am-Albis, Switzerland
    “The Holy Spirit and Mission in Eschatological Perspective” – COMMUNIQUÉ
  4. May 14-20, 1999 – Seoul, Korea
    “The Holy Spirit, Charisma, and the Kingdom of God” – COMMUNIQUÉ
  5. May 20-24, 2000 – São Paulo, Brazil
    “The Holy Spirit in Church and World” – COMMUNIQUÉ and FINAL REPORT

Henry Wilson, WARC, Geneva, Switzerland (1996)
Rev. Abival Pires Da Silveira – Brazil (Presbyterian) (1997, 1999)
Rev. Milan Opočenský – Czech Republic (Reformed) (2000)
Rev. Salvatore Ricciardi (Waldensian – Italy) (1998)
Rev. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Pentecostal, Pasadena, California, USA


Ms Margaret Owen and Dr Odair Pedroso Mateus, WARC, Geneva, Switzerland

“Experience in Christian Faith and Life”

  • 2001-Pasadena, CA, USA
    “Planning Session”
      1. May 16-23, 2002 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands
        “Theme: worship” – COMMUNIQUÉ
      2. June 5-11, 2003 – San Juan, Puerto Rico
        “Theme: discipleship” – COMMUNIQUÉ
      3. May 25-31, 2005 – Detmold, Germany
        “Theme: discernment” – COMMUNIQUÉ
      4. May 17-24, 2006 – Louisville, Kentucky, USA
        “Community” – COMMUNIQUÉ
      5. May 21-24, 2007 – Cape Town and Stellenbosch, South Africa
      6. May 22-27, 2008 – Edinburgh, Scotland
        “Drafting committee”
      7. December 6-9, 2011 – Chicago, Illinois, USA
        “Second drafting session” – FINAL REPORT



    Rev. Dr. Joseph D. Small, USA (Reformed)
    Dr. David Daniels , USA (Pentecostal)


    Dr. Odair Pedroso Mateus, Brazil e Geneva, Switzerland

    “Ministering to the Needs of the World”

        1. November, 2014 – Berekürdo, Hungary
          “How is mission defined and practiced; mission as evangelization and diakonia” – COMMUNIQUÉ
        2. December 1-7, 2015 – Anatalya, Turkey
          “Ministering to the needs of the world: mission and salvation” – COMMUNIQUÉ
        3. December, 2016 – San José, Costa Rica
          “Ministering to the needs of the world: mission and pneumatology” – COMMUNIQUÉ
        4. November 30-December 6, 2017 – Parramatta, Australia
          “Ministering to the needs of the world: mission and ecclesiology” – COMMUNIQUÉ
        5. November 29-December 4, 2018 – Legon, Accra, Ghana
          “The significance of eschatology to mission” – COMMUNIQUÉ
        6. October 23-30, 2019 – Baguio City, Philippines
          “The session revolved around the understanding of “mission,” focused on bringing together the fruits of their five years of work” – COMMUNIQUÉ
        7. March 5-7, 2020 – Hanover, Germany
          “Drafting group meeting via zoom” -FINAL REPORT

    Rev. Dr. Karla Ann Koll, Presbyterian Church (USA/Costa Rica)
    Rev. Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Assembly of God, Pasadena, California, USA


    Dr. Douwe Visser (Reformed)
    Rev. Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Pentecostal, Pasadena, California, USA

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