Dialogue Description

New Charismatic Churches ― Catholic Informal Conversations

Table of Contents
Meetings and Documents

NB: A series of Preliminary Conversations between a group of leaders of the New Charismatic Churches [NCC] and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity took place in the Vatican (2008, 2009, 2012) at the request of the participants in the encounters called “A Gathering in the Holy Spirit” co-sponsored by the Centro Pro Unione and some Non-Denominational leaders. At the end of this preliminary phase, it was agreed to have a round of Conversations starting in 2014 to explore their identity and self-understanding (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018).


What follows is a record of those encounters followed by the meetings of the informal conversations with the PCPCU:

Gathering in the Holy Spirit – An Initiative supported by the Centro Pro Unione

Pentecost 1998 Preliminary discussions : Pastor Peter Dippl, Mrs. Kim Catherine-Marie Kollins, Fr. James Puglisi, sa

  • October 24-29, 1999 – Rome, Italy
    “Initial meeting to know each other through a time of prayer, reflection and a sharing of personal stories of conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ and how we attempt to live our faith in Jesus in the modern world today; themes treated: ‘Above All – Intercession’ (1 Tim 2:1-4); ‘Body of Christ and Its Mission’ (Eph 4:1-13); ‘What Unity is Necessary for the Body of Christ?’ (Jn 17:21)”
    Cancelled for technical reasons.

Phase I

  • June 26, 2000 – St. Louis, Missouri
    Steering Committee; Planning for the 2001 gathering
  1. May 1-6, 2001 – Rome, Italy
    “Initial meeting to know each other through a time of prayer, reflection and a sharing of personal stories of conversion to the
    Lord Jesus Christ and how we attempt to live our faith in Jesus in the modern world today; themes treated: ‘Above All –
    Intercession’ (1 Tim 2:1-4); ‘Body of Christ and Its Mission’ (Eph 4:1-13); ‘What Unity is Necessary for the Body of Christ?’
    (Jn 17:21)”
  2. April 29-May 4, 2003 – Rome, Italy
    “‘Will These Perilous Times Produce Fellowship or Fragmentation’; ‘Theological Distinction: Real Difference or Ambiguous
    Terminology’; ‘The Expectations of the Future Generation in the Church’; ‘Prophetic Networks’; ‘Prophetic ministry’”
  3. May 24-29, 2005 – Rome, Italy
    “Church order or apostleship”

Phase II

  1. March 20-25, 2007 – Rome, Italy
    “‘Word, word gifts, prophetic ministry’; ‘Worship, praise, prayer, intercession’”
  2. April 21-26, 2009 – Rome, Italy
    “The Holy Spirit and the Word. The Holy Spirit and the Church”
  3. April 21-25, 2010 – Rome, Italy
    Cancelled due to weather conditions produced by volcanic irruption in Island

Phase III

  1. May 22-26, 2012 – Rome, Italy
    “The God of Blessing and Suffering for the Sake of the Name of Jesus; Biblical and Theological insights; witnesses, prayers,
    discussion, listening to the Lord”
  2. May 13-17, 2014 – Rome, Italy
    “Responding to Just Such a Time as This”. Esther 4:14
  3. May 24-28, 2016 – Rome, Italy
    “‘Gather in the Holy Spirit: I have called you Friends’; ‘Ecumenism, The Holy Spirit, and Pope Francis’;’“I call you my
    friends”: The price we may be called to pay’”
  4. May 21-25, 2018 – Rome, Italy
    “Walking Together Toward the Future; What is the Spirit saying today? Our experiences of ecumenical initiatives.
    Testimonies and examples of building unity and overcoming problems”
    11. May 25-31, 2020 – Rome, Italy
    “Together in Charismatic Ministry”


  • March 24, 2007 – Rome, Italy
    “Exploratory meeting”
  • May 28-29, 2012 – Rome, Italy
    Preliminary meeting

  1. April 15-16, 2008 – Rome, Italy
    “Who are Non-denominational churches; concept of Christan unity” – PRESS RELEASE

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/ncc-c/dia-NCC-C-01-2008-eng.pdf

  2. April 27-28, 2009 – Rome, Italy
    “Identity and self-understanding” – PRESS RELEASE

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/ncc-c/dia-NCC-C-02-2009-eng.pdf

  3. 3. May 28-29, 2012 – Rome, Italy
    “The way forward” – PRESS RELEASE

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/ncc-c/dia-NCC-C-03-2012-eng.pdf

  4. 4. May 19-20, 2014 – Rome, Italy
    “Authority; revelation and the Word of God”
  5. May 30, 2017- Rome, Italy
    “Characteristics of New Charismatic Churches; New Charismatic Curches and mission”
  6. May 28, 2018 – Rome, Italy
    “Living relationship with Jesus Christ: mission and evangelization; identity and missiological reflections;
    revision of ‘Characteristics of New Charismatic Churches; New Charismatic Curches and mission’” – PAPER

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/ncc-c/dia-NCC-C-04-characteristics-eng.pdf


Dr Lonnie Laughlin (Living Stones Church, Litchfield, USA)
Msgr Juan Usma, Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity

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