Commissione Internazionale per il Dialogo tra i Discepoli di Cristo e la Chiesa Cattolica
D – RC
- Disciples Ecumenical Consultative Council (Disciples of Christ)
- Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity formerly Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity
- Ultimo aggiornamento
- Luglio 2024
Incontri e Documenti
FIRST SERIES (1977-1982)
“Apostolicity and Catholicity in the Visible Unity of the Church”
- September 22-27, 1977 – Indianapolis, Indiana USA
“The Nature of the Church and Elements of Its Unity” - December 9-14, 1978 – Rome, Italy
“Baptism: Gift and Call in the Search for Unity - September 5-10, 1979 – Annapolis, Maryland USA
“The Faith of the Individual and the Faith of the Community; Faith and Tradition in the Life of the Church” - December 5-10, 1980 – New Orleans, Louisiana USA
“Unity as Gift and Call and the Dynamics which Divide Us” - September 10-17, 1981 – Ardfert, Ireland
“Apostolicity and Catholicity in the Visible Unity of the Church” – FINAL REPORT (1981)
Rev. Dr. Paul A. Crow, Jr., President, Council on Christian Unity, Indianapolis (USA) DC
Most Rev. Stanley J. Ott, Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans (USA) RC
Rev. Dr. Robert K. Welsh, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) DC
Rev. John F. Hotchkin, Washington, DC (USA) RC
SECOND SERIES (1983-1991)
“The Church as Koinonia in Christ”
- November 27 – December 2, 1983 -Venice, Italy
“The Church as Agent and Realization of Koinonia” - December 8-14, 1984 – Nashville, Tennessee USA
“The Nature of Koinonia” - December 7-13, 1985 – Mandeville, Jamaica
“The Church’s Koinonia as Sacrament, Demonstration and Commemoration of the Essential Content of Faith” - December 8-15, 1986 – Cambridge, England
“The Eucharist and the Visibility of the Church’s Koinonia” - December 9-15, 1987 – Duxbury, Massachusetts USA
“Continuity of the Church in the Apostolic Tradition” - December 10-16, 1988 – Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky USA
“Ministry in Relation to the Apostolic Tradition” - December 6-13, 1989 – Venice, Italy
“The Involvement of the Whole Church in Handing on the Apostolic Tradition” - December 5-12, 1990 – Toronto, Canada
“The Church as Communion in Christ” (first draft) - December 4-11, 1991 – Rome, Italy
“The Church as Communion in Christ” (second draft) - December 4-11, 1992 – St. Louis, Missouri USA
“The Church as Communion in Christ” – FINAL REPORTand COMMENTARYLink:
Rev. Dr. Paul A. Crow, Jr., President, Council on Christian Unity, Indianapolis (USA) DC
Most Rev. Samuel E. Carter, SJ, Bishop of Kingston (Jamaica) RC
Rev. Dr. David M. Thompson, Cambridge (England) DC (1988-1992)
Rev. Dr. Robert K. Welsh, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) DC (1983-1987)
Mons. John Mutiso-Mbinda, Rome (Italy) RC (1986-1992)
Rev. John F. Hotchkin, Washington, DC (USA) RC (1983-1985)
THIRD SERIES (1993-2002)
“The Individual and the Church: Receiving and Handing on the Faith”
- December 4-11, 1993 – Rome, Italy
“The Relationship of the Individual’s Faith to the Ecclesial Community and Tradition” - May 20-27, 1994 – Indianapolis, Indiana USA
“Faith: The Individual and the Church” - May 19-26, 1995 – Monastery of Bose, Magnano, Italy
“The Nature of the Rule of Faith: The Gospel and the Church” - May 17-27, 1996 – Bethany College, West Virginia USA
“The Content and Authority of the Councils of the Church” - May 27 – June 3, 1997 – Venice, Italy
“The Formation of the Canon and the Authority of Scripture” - May 26 – June 2, 1998 – Aibonito, Puerto Rico
“Teaching: The Commission of the Whole Church” - May 18-25, 1999 – St. Meinrad, Indiana USA
“Conscience and Community: Formation and Practice” - May 18-25, 2000 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Evangelization: The Goal of the Church’s Teaching” - May 18-25, 2001 – Rome, Italy
“Receiving and Handing on the Faith: The Mission and Responsibility of the Church” (first draft) - May 17-24, 2002 – Monastery of Bose, Magnano, Italy
“The Individual and the Church: Receiving and Handing on the Faith” – FINAL REPORTand COMMENTARYLink:
Rev. Dr. Paul A. Crow, Jr., President, Council on Christian Unity, Indianapolis (USA)
Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, OSB, Archbishop of Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) RC
Rev. Dr. Robert K. Welsh, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) DC
Msgr. John Mutiso-Mbinda, Rome (Italy) RC
FOURTH SERIES (2003-2009)
“The Presence of Christ in the Church, with Special Reference to the Eucharist”
- December 6-11, 2004 – Bari, Italy
“Preparation for new phase and review of past documents; the presence of Christ in the Church” - December 4-9, 2005 – Indianapolis, USA
“Presence of Christ in the Eucharist as it informs and shapes the Disciples and Catholics’ understandings of the
church and unity” - June 25-29, 2006 – Rome, Italy
“Unity in Christ: Baptism, Faith and the Eucharistic Koinonia” - June 24-28, 2007 – St. Louis, Missouri, USA
“The Relation between Word and Sacrament in the Church with special reference to the Eucharist” - June 23-27, 2008 – Vienna, Austria
“The Priesthood of Christ in Church and Ministry”; preparation of agreed statement - June 28-July 1, 2009 – Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
“Final drafting of ‘The Presence of Christ in the Church with Special Reference to the Eucharist’” – REPORTLink:
Rev. Dr. William Tabbernee, President of Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa,
Oklahoma (USA) DC
Most Rev. Daniel M. Buechlein, OSB, Archbishop of Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) RC
Rev. Dr. Robert K. Welsh, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) DC
Msgr. John Mutiso-Mbinda, Rome (Italy) RC (2004-2006)
Rev. Gosbert Byamungu, Rome (Italy) RC (2007-2009)
FIFTH SERIES (2014-2018)
“Christians Formed and Transformed by the Eucharist”
- January, 2014 – Nashville, Tennessee USA
“Preliminary meeting; what does it mean to be formed by the Eucharist” - June 14-20, 2014 – Rome, Italy
“Formed by the Eucharist; structure of the liturgy among Catholics and Disciples” - June 19-24, 2015 – Bethany, West Virginia USA
“Significance of Eucharistic catechesis; knowing by doing” - June 18-22, 2016 – Calgary, Canada
“Transformed by the Eucharist; Eucharist and relationships within the Church” - June 23-28, 2017 – Bayamón, Puerto Rico
“Living the sacraments; began drafting of final report” - June 23-27, 2018 – Green Bay, Wisconsin USA
“Final draft of ‘Christians Formed and Transformed by the Eucharist’” – REPORTand COMMENTARYLink:
Rev. Dr. Newell Williams, President of Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian
University, Fort Worth, Texas (USA) DC
Most Rev. David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin (USA) RC
Rev. Dr. Robert K. Welsh, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) DC
Msgr. Dr. Juan Usma Gómez, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity,
Vatican City/Columbia
“The Ministry of the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor 3)
- June 25, 2021 – Zoom
“The new Disciples of Christ – Catholic International Commission held an Introductory Meeting aimed at
getting to know one another, and at listening to each other’s faith stories, as well to the expectations for the
dialogue of the new members and the experience of the dialogue of the continuing members” - September 30, 2021 – Zoom
“Second meeting: analysis, discussion and acceptance of the proposed ‘Basic Outline’” - January 11, 2022 – Zoom
“Steering Committee meeting was held online in order to prepare for the first session of the sixth phase of the
International Commission” - May 10-11, 2022 – Zoom
“Discussion of the paper ‘Disciples of Christ: A Brief Description’ which offered a general overview of the
Disciples’ history, ecclesiology, identity, structure, ecumenical engagement in preparation for the next meeting
in person in Kentucky” - June 24-29, 2022 – Melbourne, Kentucky USA
“The Commission focused on ‘The Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of the Church’. The programme included
two presentations on ‘The Disciples of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Ministry’ and, on the Catholic part, on ‘The
Ministry of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3): Laying Foundations’” - June 24-29, 2023 – Rome, Italy
“The theme will be ‘The Holy Spirit as gift’” - June 21-25, 2024 – Grand Prairie, Texas USA.
“Reflection upon the grace given in ordination, a personal and communal gift as received in each community” – PRESS RELEASE
Rev. Dr. Newell Williams, President of Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas (USA) DC
Most Rev. David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin (USA) RC
Rev. Dr. Robert K. Welsh, Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) DC
Msgr. Dr. Juan Usma Gómez, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity,
Vatican City/Columbia
Continua a navigare negli archivi
Conversazioni Internazionali Anglicane ― luterane
Anglicani ― Consiglio Metodista Mondiale
Commissione Congiunta per le Discussioni Dottrinali Anglicano ― Ortodosse
Conferenze Teologiche Anglicano ― Veterocattoliche
Commissione Internazionale Anglicano ― Ortodossa Orientale
Commissione Internazionale Anglicano ― Riformata
Commissione Internazionale di Dialogo tra la Chiesa Cattolica e la Chiesa Assira dell’Oriente
Dialogo Teologico Internazionale tra L’Organizzazione delle Chiese Indipendenti Africane e L’alleanza Mondiale delle Chiese Riformate
Commissione Anglicana ― Cattolica Romana sulla Teologia del Matrimonio e la sua applicazione ai Matrimoni Misti
Commissione Internazionale Anglicano ― Cattolica Romana
Commissione Congiunta Battista ― Luterana
Dialogo Internazionale tra l’Alleanza Battista Mondiale (BWA) e il Consiglio Metodista Mondiale (WMC)
Conversazioni Teologiche tra Battisti e Mennoniti
Conversazioni Teologiche tra l’Alleanza Mondiale Battista e l’Alleanza Mondiale delle Chiese Riformate
Conversazioni Internazionali tra l’Alleanza Mondiale Battista e la Chiesa Cattolica
Dialogo Internazionale Discepoli di Cristo ― Riformati
Commissione Internazionale per il Dialogo tra i Discepoli di Cristo e la Chiesa Cattolica
Communion Of Protestant Churches In Europe [Cpce] — Roman Catholic
Communion Of Protestant Churches In Europe [Cpce] — Roman Catholic
Dialogo Evangelicale ― Cattolico sulla Missione
Commissione Internazionale Anglicano ― Cattolica per l’Unità e la Missione
Gruppo Misto di Lavoro tra il Consiglio Ecumenico delle Chiese e la Chiesa Cattolica
Dialogo Luterano ― Metodista
The Reformed ― Methodist International Consultation
Commissione Internazionale di Studio Luterano ― Mennonita
Dialogo Internazionale Luterano ― Mennonita ― Cattolico
Dialogo Luterano ― Ortodosso
Gruppo di Studio Luterano ― Pentecostale
Commissione Mista Luterano ― Riformata
Commissione di Studio Congiunta Luterana ― Riformata ― Cattolica ‘La Teologia del Matrimonio e il Problema dei Matrimoni Misti’
Dialogo Teologico Internazionale Cattolico ― Luterano
Conversazione Bilaterale tra Avventisti del Settimo Giorno e Luterani
Commissione Mista tra la Chiesa Cattolica e il Consiglio Metodista Mondiale
Methodist ― Salvation Army Conversations
Dialogo Mennonita ― Riformato
Dialogo Internazionale Mennonita ― Cattolico
Dialogo Mennoniti ― Avventisti del Settimo Giorno
Conversazioni Informali tra le Nuove Chiese Carismatiche e la Chiesa Cattolica
Dialogo Metodista ― Ortodosso
Conversazioni Bilaterali Riformate ― Ortodosse
Commissione Internazionale Congiunta per il Dialogo Teologico tra la Chiesa Cattolica e la Chiesa Ortodossa
Commissione Internazionale del Dialogo Cattolico ― Veterocattolico
Commissione Mista Ortodossa ― Veterocattolica
Dialogo Teologico Internazionale tra la Famiglia delle Chiese Orientali Ortodosse e l’Alleanza Mondiale delle Chiese Riformate
Ortodosso Bizantino ― Ortodosso Orientale
Commissione Mista Internazionale per il Dialogo Teologico tra la Chiesa Cattolica e le Chiese Ortodosse Orientali
Commissione Mista Internazionale per il Dialogo Teologico tra la Chiesa Cattolica e le Chiese Ortodosse Orientali
OO-RC – Copt
Commissione Internazionale Mista tra la Chiesa Cattolica e la Chiesa Ortodossa Copta
OO-RC – India
Commissione Mista Internazionale di Dialogo tra la Chiesa Cattolica e la Chiesa Ortodossa Sira Malankarese
OO-RC – Syr-India
Commissione Mista Internazionale di Dialogo tra la Chiesa Cattolica e la Chiesa Sira Ortodossa Malankarese
Dialogo Internazionale Pentecostale ― Riformato
Dialogo Accademico Ortodosso ― Pentecostale
Dialogo Internazionale Cattolico ― Pentecostale
Dialogo Internazionale Cattolico ― Riformato
Conversazioni tra la Chiesa Cattolica e l’Esercito della Salvezza
Conversazioni informali tra la Chiesa Cattolica e gli Avventisti del Settimo Giorno
Dialogo Teologico tra Riformati e Avventisti del Settimo Giorno
MT-RC – India
Joint Commission Between the Catholic Church and the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church