Dialogue Description

Baptist ― Reformed Theological Conversations
B – R

Table of Contents
Meetings and Documents

Conversations between 1973-1977

  • February 3, 1973 – Rüschlikon, Switzerland
    “Official planning consultation; establishes two fold aim of the conversations: to provide information on the present theological positions of the two traditions with a view to overcoming the still existing differences; to explore the respective convictions about baptism”
  • June 20, 1974 – Rüschlikon, Switzerland
    “Recommendations of 1973 accepted by both sides; establishment of the date of the first meeting; agreement that the dialogue commission has the freedom to choose the topics of discussion”

  1. December 14-18, 1974 – Rüschlikon, Switzerland
    “Themes discussed were the distinctive elements of the Baptist and Reformed heritages; the Baptist and Reformed perspectives in understanding the Gospel”
  2. September 7-11, 1975 – Cartigny, Switzerland
    “Theme: Christian understanding of God’s purpose for the world in our Lord Jesus Christ; Doctrine of God and man; the understanding of covenant in the Old and New Testaments; changing understandings of man and their bearing on theology”
  3. March 26-30, 1976 – Rüschlikon, Switzerland
    “The church as a holy community in relation to justification; world affirming and world denying forms of Christian thought and life; the church in its local fellowship; the church in its universal dimension and mission; a detailed survey and analysis of recent statements on baptism and church membership from a selection of Baptist and Reformed sources”
  4. December 10-14, 1976 – Rüschlikon, Switzerland
    “This session dealt with Baptist and Reformed thinking in the light of their understanding of the work and gift of the Holy Spirit”“Publication of the ‘REPORT of Theological Conversations sponsored by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Baptist World Alliance, 1977’” – REPORT

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/b-r/dia-B-R-01-report-eng.pdf


Prof. William H. Brackney (Baptist)
Rev. Prof. Ross T. Bender (Mennonite)

  1. December 6-10, 1982 – Geneva, Switzerland
    “Evaluation Group meeting: revision of the Report 1977” – EVALUATION GROUP REPORT

    Link: www.prounione.it/dia/b-r/dia-B-R-02-evaluation-report-eng.pdf

  2. March 5, 1983 – Rüschlikon, Switzerland
    “Reflection on the future of the common Reformation heritage of the Baptist and Reformed traditions”
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